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Kumho Tire

A Great Selection of Kumho Tires

Mr. Nobody Tire Pros in Gastonia, NC is a leading provider of tire sales and installations for cars, trucks, and SUVs. We’re proud to offer one of the area’s most comprehensive tire selections that include worldwide brands like Kumho tires. Finding the right size and style of tire for your vehicle is critical to ensuring a smooth ride and safety on the roads. Did you know properly inflated tires in good condition offer improved gas mileage? Keeping your vehicle outfitted with quality tires will not only provide a better ride and add style to your car, but it can also help you save money on fuel over the long run. Visit our tire shop to learn more today.

stack of new tires

Quality Tires for Every Type of Vehicle

Kumho started as a small tire manufacturer but, over the last 60 years, has grown to become one of the top 10 tire producers in the world. Their line of products offers incredible performance and reliability for passenger cars, SUVs, light-duty trucks, and performance cars. The company continues to build on its technology to improve grip, braking performance, and handling. No matter what driving style you prefer, Kumho has a perfect tire option for you.

Tires That Meet All Driving Conditions

Varying road conditions and extreme swings in weather means drivers need to be ready to tackle whatever lies in front of them on the road ahead. Even a morning commute can bring unpredictability where a good set of tires can be your best friend. With Kumho tires, you’ll find a type that can offer the versatility you need:


For year-round performance.


For reliable traction on various conditions.

Car Tires

Designed specifically for sedans, coupes, and minivans.

Performance Tires

For more traction and sporty driving conditions.

Touring Tires

For passenger cars and minivans with year-round versatility.

Shop for Kumho Tires in Gastonia, NC

Mr. Nobody Tire Pros has partnered with Kumho tires to offer our customers superior choices when it comes to deciding on their next set of car tires. Our full-service auto center offers tire inspections, sales, and installations to ensure your vehicle provides a safe ride year-round. Visit our tire shop today to find the perfect match for your car within your budget.

Auto Maintenance and Tire Sales

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