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General Tire

Gastonia, NC’s Source for General Tires

General Tire has been manufacturing quality tires for cars and trucks of every size for over 100 years. They custom-design their products to provide high performance on all road conditions. General maintains a commitment to offering drivers tires that grip better, provide a smoother ride at all speeds, and last longer. Mr. Nobody Tire Pros can help vehicle owners throughout Gastonia, NC find new General Tires to put on their automobiles.

Finding the Right Tires for Your Vehicle

General Tire produces products with various beneficial features, including SmartGrip technology, grip edges, sidewall protection, and replacement tire monitor indicators. Mr. Nobody Tire Pros’ selection of General Tires includes all the following options at our shop:

AltiMAX™ MAX 43

With extended tread life and a quiet, comfortable ride, you get the perfect all-season touring tire with this passenger vehicle option.

G-MAX™ AS 05

General Tire combines all-season traction with its smart technologies in this high-performance passenger tire.


If you need a tire specially designed for law enforcement high-speed pursuit applications, this tire features all-season traction and superior handling precision.


This performance tire offers the highest caliber with features like impressive style and maximum grip you need on wet and dry road conditions.


This all-terrain tire goes on SUVs and light trucks to provide off-road performance with the same reliability as its on-road performance. You get the best of both worlds.


An all-terrain tire featuring well-balanced specs for any weather and road condition, meant for SUVs and light trucks.


General Tire designed this tire for vans and light trucks with features delivering incredible performance at a job site or on the road.


You get the perfect balance of performance and comfort in this unbeatable all-season tire for any light truck, SUV, or crossover.


General’s high-performance tires aren’t just meant for passenger vehicles. This ultra-high-performance tire meets all light truck and SUV owners’ needs.


You can get down and dirty with this mud-terrain tire for light trucks and SUVs, featuring on-road reliability and rugged off-road performance.

Types of Tires to Consider for Your Vehicle

Our selection of General Tires includes various options to suit your driving needs on various road and weather conditions. Consider the following types of tires for your vehicle:

All-Season Tires

These tires from General Tire provide traction in wet, dry, and snowy conditions, making them ideal for whatever Mother Nature brings.

All-Terrain Tires

Consider this type of tire if your SUV, crossover, or light truck gets in a fair amount of off-road driving.

Car Tires

This perfect passenger vehicle tire is ideal because of its smooth driving on local and highway roads and long tread life.

Truck Tires

Truck tires from General Tire provide light truck and SUV owners with great highway, backroad, and mild off-road performance.

Touring Tires

We have touring tires available to drivers with minivans, passenger cars, light trucks, and SUVs as a dependable year-round tire option with a comfortable ride.

Mud-Terrain Tires

These tires can safely carry you through the messiest trails when you end up in conditions surpassing gravel and dirt roads.

Performance Tires

If you want a better grip and a more stylish look, Grabber’s performance line is perfect for drivers who prefer more of a sports car tire option.

Snow Tires

Snow, slush, and ice on the road are not a problem with General Tire’s dedicated snow tires.

Summer Tires

Summer tires offer outstanding handling and traction in dry and wet conditions in climates with temperatures that stay above 45 degrees.

Visit Mr. Nobody Tire Pros for New Tires

Since 1915, General Tires has been a premier tire manufacturer for cars, light trucks, and SUVs. Their tire selection meets all vehicle makes and drivers’ preferences. Mr. Nobody Tire Pros can help you find the perfect tire for your needs, whether you value year-round weather performance, off-road capabilities, or better grip and handling. Our team has you covered with an impressive selection of General Tires.

Auto Maintenance and Tire Sales

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